Admissions Process:
Step 1: Prepare Admission Requirements.
- Parents’ Information Sheet
- Student’s Information Sheet
- Recommendation Form
- Parents’ Undertaking (Grades 1-3, Grades 4-12)
- Student’s Recent Report Card (F138)
- For foreign students – Report Card w/ English translation and Special Study Permit (SSP)
- Home schooling records (if applicable)
- Student’s PSA/NSO Birth Certificate
- Student’s Baptismal Certificate
- Parents’ Marriage Certificate
- Student’s Recent 1x1 ID Picture
Step 2: Submit Application.
Upload the scanned or digital copies of the requirements to https://bit.ly/parefrshonlineapp.
Kindly submit physical copies onsite to the Registrar’s Office upon enrollment.
Step 3: Assessment and Interview
- Student’s Assessment
- Student’s Interview (For High School Applicants)
- Parents’ Interview
Step 4: Let’s keep in touch!
Kindly wait for the advise from the Admissions Office regarding the assessment results and other reminders.
Download Application Forms in PDF Format
Should you have any questions or queries, please feel free to email us at admissions@parefrosehill.edu.ph
or you may call the Admissions Hotline at
0967 471 4000.